Monday, May 9, 2016

Volunteering in Nepal

Volunteering in Nepal is a wonderful experience to enjoy the local culture, village life and activities. Through the volunteering, you can help the community about the experiences you have gained in your lifetime. You will learn new culture, languages and even you will find the best experiences in your life beyond your home ground. Nepal is a poor country, we all know, about 70% people still are involved in agricultural activities so you will have a opportunity to help the Nepalese people which gives you a satisfaction and meaningfulness. Volunteering in Nepal staying in home-stay will provide you experiences staying with a Nepali family, sharing accommodation, village walking, taking part in village development activities, teaching in school, sponsor a child and many more. Nepal was hit by a 7.8 magnitude massive earthquake on 25 April, 2015 and the lifestyle is hard in mountain region where the earthquake destructed badly. So, you can go there and help as much as you can.